Blog & Vlog
A database of articles and video content created by our team of clinical experts. Beyond the session, therapy is enhanced through exploration of a variety of topics including mental health, holistic wellness, integrative health care and more. Inspired Practice LLC seeks to support the growth and development of our community through this library of moving and impactful resources.
Explore engaging content presented to educate, enlighten, and inspire.
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Why Therapy
Many people have asked me over the years why I wanted tobecome a mental health therapist.
Yoga Practice
As a yoga therapist, I am specially trained to understand which elements to include in a client’s daily practice to help them decrease rajas and tamas and increase sattva.
Building a Healthier Relationship with Social Media
Consider 6 strategies that can foster a healthier relationship with social media.
Nature's Role in Mental Health
Insight into natural remedies and how they can positively affect your mental health, general well-being, and sense of connectedness.
Psychology of Self
The psychology of self is a unique framework of analysis guiding our perception of who we are in relation to the world around us.
Communication in the Brain
What happens when the the communication pathways in the brain get disrupted?
What is Viniyoga Therapy?
The art of yoga therapy is in meeting a client, assessing their needs, identifying their goals, understanding their capacity, developinga kavaca (container or therapeutic relationship), observing them move and inasana, and using therapeutic yoga tools to design a personalized practice unique to their needs, goals, and capacities
Get In Touch!
Inspired Practice LLC offers a dynamic array of therapeutic services designed to benefit the individual, group, and community. Whether seeking treatment, partnership, or collaboration, learn more about what Inspired Practice LLC can offer you.