Blog & Vlog
A database of articles and video content created by our team of clinical experts. Beyond the session, therapy is enhanced through exploration of a variety of topics including mental health, holistic wellness, integrative health care and more. Inspired Practice LLC seeks to support the growth and development of our community through this library of moving and impactful resources.
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Deciding on Therapy
When I work with an individual, I look at bio, psycho, social, and spiritual factors. Looking at your life as a whole gives me a clearer picture of some things that may be hindering your mental health and functioning.
How I Found My Mentor
In the summer of 2015, three months after Kriyananda passed away, I took a leap of faith and enrolled in the Yoga Therapy program at Yoga Yoga. I was ready to take the next step on the yogic path and this felt like the right direction.
Science Behind Trauma
Trauma is most commonly known to cause changes in psychosocial health, but as we look below the surface evidence suggests the impact can be far reaching.
Stages of Change
Stages of change: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, relapse.
Trauma and Mental Health
Traumatic incidents occur on a wide spectrum of severity, and the most significant encounters can have a profound effect on the socioemotional wellbeing of those impacted.
My First Teacher
I enjoyed this role, and it was fulfilling to me professionally, however, the thing that brought me peace was studying the sacred texts and attending Sunday morning meditation. I read every book Kriyananda wrote.
Navigating Wellness with Dr. Jennifer Vasquez
Inspired Practice Clinical Director Dr. Jennifer Vasquez was recently interviewed about navigating wellness.
Get In Touch!
Inspired Practice LLC offers a dynamic array of therapeutic services designed to benefit the individual, group, and community. Whether seeking treatment, partnership, or collaboration, learn more about what Inspired Practice LLC can offer you.